
第34回 i-seminar :2023/12/14


1. 網膜動脈閉塞症(小嶋 健太郎先生 京都府立医科大学)
2. AIと眼科(松井 良諭先生 三重大学)


Introduction and overview to Al in Ophthalmology
Al learns patterns from vast amounts of data and uses them to predict future events or outcomes by inductive method.
The DL system could diagnose diseases and estimate the referral necessity decisions from images with expert-level accuracy.
Despite having larger working memory, CPU, and storage capacity than humans, Al cannot operate unless under conditions of computability.
To effectively utilize Al models, humans should transform real-world challenges into computable, closed-ended conditions.
Research is not engineering.
It's important to test DLS, especially in primary care and community settings, with prospectively collected images.
Data aggregation and harmonization are also important.

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